I was pleased with myself when I discovered that sunlight, for example, could not be reproduced, but that I had to represent it by some other means… by color.
-Paul Cezanne (1839-1906)
About Yellow:
- The first pigments of yellow are traced back to the first cave painting more than fifty thousand years ago in a cave found in the northern part of Australia.
- In India, the color yellow is connected to marriage (as indicated by the expression “to yellow the hands”) and conjugal happiness, and the pigment extracted from turmeric plays and essential role in this context.
- In the Fiji Islands, when a daughter of a Lau noble reaches 16, she is forbidden from the sun, remains in at home for a period of time covered in a blend of turmeric and old so her skin becomes more dazzling.
Famous Logos Using Yellow:

Thank you to Anne Varichon’s Book – Colors, What They Mean and How to Make Them, for supplying content and inspiration.
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