“I see the red flag outside me window: the shadow, in fact, appears violet and dusky to me: it has an orangish glow, but why isn’t there any green? First of all because red needs to have hints of green, but also because of the presence of orange and violet, two tones that introduce yellow and blue, which make green.
-Eugene Delecriox (1798-1863)
About Purple:
- Purple is among the most complex dyes to extract and, there, the most expensive, and was reserved for the clothing of nobles.
- Kalasha women and young girls in Afghanistan make themselves up for the Feast of Flowers by drawing thick violet circles around their eyes. Before cosmetics, they would have used powder make of ground partridge leg.
- Pope Paul II (1417-1471) decreed that cardinals would wear purple, and in the Roman Catholic Church, purple is still reserved for cardinals.
Famous Logos Using Purple:

Thank you to Anne Varichon’s Book – Colors, What They Mean and How to Make Them, for supplying content and inspiration.
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At McKenna Design Group we believe that above else Strategy should precede tactics. A home builder or remodeler depends on blue prints. They define the project and provide cues as to the order in which the project will be done. Starting without a plan is no different that driving in circles. Don’t be lost: Get a Strategic Roadmap.