“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”
–Henry Ford
About Black:
- The Hausa in Nigeria, a black heart characterizes an angry man, a cheat, and an enemy, while a “black belly” represents a sad man.
- The people of Uruk in present day Iraq use the term “black” to signify both very ripe fruit and arable land.
- The earliest examples of papyruses composed with lampblack-based inks date back to 2600 B.C.
Famous Logos Using Black:

Thank you to Anne Varichon’s Book – Colors, What They Mean and How to Make Them, for supplying content and inspiration.
Technology can be black or white. Either it works or it doesn’t. We prefer when it does. And so do our clients. And their customers. Integrated marketing delivers a consistent branded experience at each step of the user experience. We all want brand loyalists. And advocates. What’s keeping you from attracting yours? See how McKenna Design Group builds brand.