Black Friday has nothing on Cyber Monday.

After its inaugural launch in 2005, Cyber Monday has quickly grabbed a hold of Americans. The 2016 estimate is that 36% of Americans will shop on Cyber Monday according to the National Federation of Retailers. This represents a 2% increase over 2015. In 2010 comScore measured a whopping $1 Billion in sales. That number is estimated to grow exponentially in 2016 to $3.3 Billion dollars, according to Forbes.
Online shopping provides holiday joy click by click. A great user experience can happen anywhere. With any device. There’s no long line. No constant bumping in the aisles. No crying toddlers (unless of course you have a crying toddler at your side).
Shoppers can have a tailored experience – over coffee in the morning, or with a beer in the evening. Whatever’s your pleasure is yours for the taking. A good digital strategy includes a brand-led experience balanced by understanding your targeted user and delivering how and when your customer is ready, willing and able.
The digital shopping world continues to increase its footprint and impact. Best practices shouldn’t be thrown out the window as you sell online. Now more than ever a good user experience is critical. 60-80% of online shopping carts are abandoned. Marketers and e-commerce teams need to make the path to purchase as easy as possible and be able to evaluate the benefit of cross-sell / up-sell versus a distraction that take online shoppers of course completely. Who are you selling to and deliver an experience that has user-centered design at its core.
The Joy of Online Shopping
But returning to Joy. A great user experience is easy to spot. Provide a clear offer. Make the buy button easier to find and click. Keep related offers, the cross-sell / up-sell, available so that when I want the matching hat, gloves, scarf, it’s there. Spread joy by sharing your great experience if you are the recipient. Spread even more joy if you are the creator of the experience. Click. Click. Joy.
McKenna Design Group creates amazing experiences. In print, online and everywhere in between. We’d love to help you deliver Return on Experience. Find out more.