James Dyson vacuum cleaners hold the secret to the auto industry’s plight or its profits. Advertising Age, Wall Street Journal, and The Economist all agree, the plummeting auto industry has nothing (and everything) to lose. The industry’s biggest opportunity is now. It’s change or die.
James Dyson set out to solve a simple problem, a vacuum that no longer sucks. Dust clogs bags and over time, the vacuum loses suction and doesn’t pick up dirt. Tireless inventor, Dyson developed the world’s first bagless vacuum cleaner. A few facts:
- With a centrifugal force 100,000 times that of gravity, the patented cyclone system promised to capture more microscopic dust than any vacuum to date.
- He risked everything to go to market. “Say goodbye to the bag” initial advertising took to consumers for the efficiency of its technology.
- Other manufacturers caught on and developed their own bagless systems.
- Dyson sued corporate giant Hoover on patent infringement and won $5 million.
- After 5 years and 5,127 prototypes, the greatest vacuum in the world emerged.
Like auto manufacturers, Dyson success is dependant upon unconventional thinking and brilliant execution. Dyson price, quality, and performance lead the category. Plus the product is sexy. Dyson designs are beautiful. Even the packaging is Apple computer-esque. Quality and product build have become the industry standard. Continuing to innovate—the new ball glides over surfaces. Total brand experience is flawless. People want the product the same way automakers wish consumers WOWed their cars. An indefatigable beacon for auto design and marketing.
Question: If James Dyson were a car, he’d be a ____________? (Bold) 1) Chevy Volt 2) Third generation Toyota Prius 3) Ford Fusion Hybrid 4) Honda Insight
Car manufacturers don’t draw a blank. If bags are to gasoline, then hybrids and electrification may dominate cars’ future. What we know for certain is Dyson’s profits are proof—that ideas and innovation coupled with human-centered design and brilliant execution prevail.
And that’s no bag of hot air.
Copyright © Warren McKenna
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